Thursday, February 4, 2010

The EntRoPy of mY Transition....

As per the dictionary speaks, the entropy is " The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity " or "A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system".

I am sure that till now all you physicists, must have started googling your ancestral minds..( i used the word "ancestral" beacuse for most of us ,Physics is history now..!!!)

But please STOP!! Beacuse for me myself physics was as ancestral as for now, even in halcyon days of schooling.
Some past days I have been usurping the thoughts of my journey from the hoyden North of India to the verbose East.
I did my Grad and Schooling all in North (viz UP and Rajasthan) and now I am bearing the fruits of my scholarly salavation at Kolkata...the city of utmost peace in its anathemic Chaos...
Thus this whole transition has affected my entropy...(now refer back to entropy...)..and hence...
"The entropy my Tranistion" has taken my thoughts to it.
Earlier when in childhood I heard the term North.East,West,South,I used to think that it was just for the sake of fast referring to the diversified country. Never was I able to imagine the chasm of diffrence that they hold. Right from social, economical , political , Institutional and cultural (though cultural was largely expected).
When i came from North to East , I actually felt the transition inside me.
I do not how many more transitions will take place and how will they affect my entropy....but it leaves me a thought.
A thought that for all and sundry, this entropy change is very much relative. It actually is a measurement of intermingling of karma and "Sthan" (a place) with the divine notion of "Manobal" (motivation) as per its said in the scriptures.
Thus this entropy unlike the other (physics one) is harnessable. Keeping the "place" constant (refer above) and varying the "karma" and "motivation" the desired "Delta S" ( that is change in entropy) is attainable.
Thus, taking on the positive tone this entropy change has been positive for me. Though I agree that the change was large.
At this juncture I wish...that can't all such entropy should changes be harnessable for all situation...apart from Transition.
Can't this aply to the most beheading and prickling problem of the Terrorism, Poverty, economic crisis....
Can't we intone the human emotions of revenge, jealousy, remorse with this concept...
I think the answer is a big 'NO' because as per Physics "The first law or the law of energy conservation which says that all real-world processes involve transformations of energy, and that the total amount of energy is always conserved expresses time-translation symmetry "
Every emotion is well balanced, every deed is well rewarded and that keeps this life moving.
Thus finally after so much of discussion I should surrender the usurped thoughts of my transition...and should balance my equation myself..and so should all...
Its time for "ME" inside me to react!!
Its so egocentrical to balance one's own equation...But what more can we do..?
Its the real law of life...
"Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity."
So all of us should carry on!!...Life is busy...lets move..futher , further and more further so as to visualise all the transitions and to harness all the entropy changes..

P.S: I did not knew i was so good at entropy...Hell i wonder will they overlook me again for the Nobel In Physics!!


  1. Every system tries to achieve negative Entropy to become stable. While defining it in non physics term , You have used Stan , Karma and Manobal as the factors effecting Entropy , but dear you have not mentioned the formula used.

    Indirectly by the words 'Harnessing Entropy’, I think you meant Bringing peace, prosperity etc by reducing disturbances around us.

    But I am sorry to say , You unnecessarily complicated it using three entities as stan , karma and manobal. Its just will to bring stability. If there is Satva Buddhi then Stan Bal or Prarabdha Karma cannot effect. Satva Bhuddi it itself brings Manobal.

    I am at right place , I am good person , I have motivation also but I am lazy to reduce poverty , terrorism etc , I love sleeping all the time , then ?

    As a whole , Its a matter of attitude to bring stability.

    In the Midst of Philosophy You brought 1st Law of Thermodynamics. How this is related to your Philosophy. How Karma etc is related to Thermodynamics.. I am totlly lost:)

    Dear you are right , How can you relate Thermodynamics laws with Karma , Manobal etc. That why your answer is big NObig 'NO'

    I am unable to understand how the lines "Every emotion is well balanced, every deed is well rewarded and that keeps this life moving" and solution to problems like poverty , terrorism etc is related. I am angry , I am very angry .. I know I am angry and I want to be like that.. I do not want to change and bring tranquillity to people surrounding me , Its my wish .. where is Thermodynamics.. If I have Buddhi , then I will change otherwise not.

    I understood your good mind and gist of the writing but got confused with unnecessary terminology and physics.

  2. @Hi Ananth....

    Firstly let me Thnak you for your time and concern.Your comment is epitome of your inquistiveness as well as your
    uptake on the topic..Three kudos to that

    My sincere apologies for the time I just brainstorm the thoughts...per se

    Lets discuss the concept again in sequence you lost it.

    1) Well i have given the formula...its entropy is proportional to sthan, karma and manobal

    I mentioned that i'll keep Sthan constant so formula wil be entropy=sthan*karma*manobal
    I did't went into the mathematical probation as it could have deviated a non technical person

    2) by harnessing entropy i never meant good things.
    i meant to focus on hidden motive of this blog which is to justify
    the very reason of why we humans have tendency of self love .
    i wanted to justify the fact thinking about oneself is need of time

    3)Your plea : "I am at right place , I am good person , I have motivation also
    but I am lazy to reduce poverty , terrorism etc , I love sleeping all the time , then ?"

    karma is all about deeds..u missed it

    being lazy in iteslf is detoriation of karma.and that sets path for karma
    so to work...u need the desire to karma and so is the cause for satva budhdhi
    its in all of us givin by divine but again we hardly manifesto with it

    you quoted "As a whole , Its a matter of attitude to bring stability."

    And matter of attitude is nothing else but karma
    so i hope importance of karma is unquestionable.

    4) My intermingling of thermodynamics and philosophy is need of the blog.

    First law came into play when i succumbed to the thought of harnessing or changing the entropy to positive.
    i came struck with the nature's plea of yin and yang, good and wise
    As the fisrt law ,no more happiness and no more pain can be created. they are constantlike the energy

    "If i child is crying as an ant is trying to hurt him. i will just kill the ant and make the child happy but now
    ant will be in pain
    so we merely transform an emotion from a person to other and so is the case with first law.
    but it is just a pun i played with words nad nothing to do with real science

    lastly i mentioned in the beginning to remove the physicist cap... :-) thermodyanamics is nowhere in play..
    its just beauty of thought of karma and the laws of thermodyanamics that resonated.
    i jst played with their frequencies to bring out a memoir.

    That is what kaleidoscope is ..where i catch the thoughts of do disperses very quickly and is hell hard to portray.
    but i'll keep on tracking and presenting...

    Cheers and thanks a ton !!!

  3. Jioooooooo
    Perfect defence in good spirit .. You are awesome.

    I accept

  4. where are u lost these days.. No new posts.why? I am eagerly waiting for your new post.. I visit ur blog 2 times a day to find something new..Please , write something.
