Monday, April 13, 2009

Thinking brain of Millionaire Slumdog?

Three kudos to me ! Ya you have to as a i have quoted a whole new genre that is millionaire slumdogs - the people who become slumdogs after being millionaire. And even the day today itself marks its full implication because today only i.e 13th april SATYAM COMPUTERS has been takeover by TECHMAHINDRA. Raju may never expected such outcome.His cradle of dreams have been shattered but as the saying goes "As you sow so shall you reap".
But one thing i m very sure that at this juncture of time he must not be repenting. He must be having a good laugh inside himself that it took years finest brains of India inc. to decode the simple but malicious programming he did at satyam. Well mystery is again unsolved and would take time. Fact is, Raju may have lost Satyam but have earned a lot of fame. His TRP on television shys away SRK n IPL. But he must be missing his wardrobe of 600 suits( covering all present shades of black nd blue) , temples at south must be missing his generous donations of gold.(he has donated around 2 tons of gold at temples). Bus he is included in books of all MBAs around the world, will always be remembered as the greatest illusionist of his times and moreover has proved his mettle to all the number crunchers. He is new Johny Depp - new pirate of Carribean..moreover he not only drowned himself but Maytas and PWC accompanied him.
Well my salute to him...he not only proved his mettle by making Satyam a software giant but also created history with his mingling with account books...really he is millionaire (seemingly) slumdog.
P.S:Mllionaire-slumdog on the road.

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