Friday, April 17, 2009

Catch them young ! Indian paradox...

Well yups you read me right. Catch dem young is one of the most followed upon principle of last decade and is still pursuing up with the pace. The reason being is simple because it is selling up. That is all time favorite mantra of market “ Stock that , that sells”.
All around us ,you can feel the preaching and practicing of this golden principle. But by instinct something is telling me that you are not fully convinced with me. So let me defend myself with some examples. Firstly, I would like to quote the case of Uncle Sam where Barack Obama (aged 52) has beaten his rival John Mc Cain (80+), Secondly the policy of India’s premier institute of IITs to limit the number of attempts to two is reflection of nothing but catch them young. Moreover Corporate giants like K.V Kamath (ICICI) & Narayanmurthy (Infosys) are stepping down from their well established throne just to tap up the younger power. Increasing number of young MPs like Rahul Gandhi, Omar Abdullah & Sachin Pilot are to name a few who are the youth representative of stalwart Indian political parties. Well, examples apart look to the Mother Nature. It has decided a certain age limit for growing, for reproducing.
This is nothing but the proof of universally accepted law that “Energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed”. System remains constant, so with the arrival of new force older one has to leave to maintain the balance. For when this balance is disturbed the consequences are hazardous. So, the moral of the story is when you want to catch’ them young you have to let go old. But Indian politics, is playing paradoxically, for instance BJP wants Advani with Varun, Congress lures Rahul with Sonia and so many to quote.
With this situation one imagines that may be one day Murphy’s law will start standing.
But that is just a good news for Murphy. Isn’t it?

P.S: Well done Murphy…you are caught young…

1 comment:

  1. hey nice thoughts yar..
    well i truely agree to what u have to say in this post... nice posts keep it up..
