Saturday, April 11, 2009

Missed companies doom on them.

What wud have been the life if there had been no missed calls ? I wud hv missed all the rescheduled classes in college, missed breakfast when the menu had cum tell my fren dat cum online yaar..., how to tell fren dat b ready im comin 2 pick u, how to tell ur sweetheart dat i missed u all day long..n so on.But wonders do hppn..n it hppned. Obviously mobile companies hates them bcoz if they wud hv nt been there than there fortune wud have been almost double. Just imagine if sometimes companies come up with an idea to charge missed calls...OH my my.....God forbid(jst a thought).We don't evn want to imagine d agony of life then..
Isn't it? but wahtever its an angel to mobile suscribers, a cupid to lovers...and a messenger to others..god bless missed calls...
P.S: Never wanna miss u missed calls

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